Analytical efficiency evaluation of a network mobility management protocol for Intelligent Transportation Systems

Publication date:11/01/2012

Design and Formal Security Evaluation of NeMHIP: a New Secure and Efficient Network Mobility Management Protocol based on the Host Identity Protocol

Publication date:10/01/2012
Authors Toledo, Nerea Higuero, Marivi Astorga, Jasone Aguado, Marina Bonnin, Jean Marie

Evaluación del coste energético de la seguridad en entornos extremo a extremo de sensores IPv6

Publication date:09/06/2012

The cross layer RMPA handover: a reliable mobility pattern aware handover strategy for broadband wireless communication in a high-speed railway domain

Publication date:09/01/2012

Ladon: End-to-end Authorization Support for Resource-Deprived Environments

Publication date:06/01/2012

Performance evaluation of user applications in the ITS scenario: An analytical assessment of the NeMHIP

Publication date:03/02/2012

Deploying OpenFlow in production at the University of the Basque Country: Identity based network infrastructure configuration.

Publication date:01/01/2012

Software Defined Networking: Some ideas for discussion

Publication date:01/01/2012

The cross layer RMPA handover: a reliable mobility pattern aware handover strategy for broadband wireless communication in a high-speed railway domain.

Publication date:01/01/2012

Redes Definidas por Software e IPv6: Situación actual

Publication date:01/01/2012