
A Step Up in European Rail Traffic Management Systems: A Seamless Fail Recovery Scheme

Publication date: May 19, 2016

Type:Journal article
Publication details
Series: - Book title: IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine
Chapter: - Edition: -
Volume: 11 Journal: A Step Up in European Rail Traffic Management Systems: A Seamless Fail Recovery Scheme
Number: 2 Pages: 52-59
ISBN/ISSN: 1556-6072 -

The European Rail Traffic Management System (ERTMS) is becoming a worldwide de facto standard for high-speed railway signaling. A major shortcoming of this system is that it is attached to a single radio-bearer technology, the Global System for Mobile Communications-Railway (GSM-R). The migration of ERTMS toward Internet Protocol (IP) provides the opportunity to make ERTMS unaware of the underlying communication technology by establishing train-to-ground connectivity via multiple bearers. In this article, we evaluate Multipath Transmission Control Protocol (MPTCP) integration in the ERTMS protocol stack in a test bed as a way to use heterogeneous radio bearers seamlessly and simultaneously. We validate this strategy by comparing our obtained results to the European Integrated Radio Enhanced Network (EIRENE) requirements and demonstrate its functionality as a seamless fail recovery strategy.

Related keywords: ETCS Railway signalling