We are looking for original contributions on topics related to 5G and LPWAN technologies applied to the Internet of Things for the Special Issue of Electronics (Q2) "5G and Low Power Wide Area Networks for the IoT". More information here. The deadline for manuscript submissions is 31 Jan. 2022.
TRUE-5G project
- Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, PID2019-108713RB-C54, 06/2020-05/2023, 110.200 euros
- Design and implementation of an enhanced performance and security system for industrial communications
- Design and Implementation of Architecture and Mechanisms for the Orchestration of TSN-capable 5G Network Services
- Enhanced SDN/NFV network architecture based on data plane processing acceleration technologies
- A contribution to Network Virtualization to provide efficient and scalable steering service
- Actualización de DynPaC para integración con SN4IJune 2023Reconfiguración de rutas en redes con plano de datos programableSeptember 2022Diseño e implementación de un sistema para el despliegue y monitorización de redes LTE y 5G de forma automatizadaJuly 2022Integración de switches hardware con el controlador ONOS utilizando interfaces de programación abiertosJuly 2022Diseño e implementación de un sistema de sincronización automático entre switches basado en PTPJuly 2022Despliegue de una red de acceso radio 5G abiertaJuly 2022Validación automática del estado de revocación de certificados digitales utilizando CRLsJuly 2022Integración de sistemas de virtualización basados en contenedores en arquitecturas NFV para la provisión de servicios de Industria 4.0July 2021Sistema de Monitorización de red en-banda basado en P4 para Redes Definidas por SoftwareJuly 2021Firewall basado en P4 para Redes Definidas por SoftwareJuly 2021Optimización de la gestión del tráfico generado por dispositivos IoT mediante el filtrado a nivel de líneaSeptember 2021In-network validation of digital certificates for IoT secure communicationsSeptember 2021Delegación automatizada de la gestión de certificados de clientes DTLS en una tercera parte de confianza utilizando programación del plano de datosMayo 2021
- Quantitative measurement of link failure reaction time for devices with P4-Programmable Data PlanesTelecommunication Systems, 2023DOI: 10.1007/s11235-023-01084-4. IF=2.5 (Q3 in 2022)
- Improving efficiency and security of IIoT communications using in-network validation of server certificateComputers in Industry, 2023DOI: 10.1016/j.compind.2022.103802. IF=10.0 (Q1 in 2022)
- How to Survive Identity Management in the Industry 4.0 EraIEEE Access, 2021DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3092203. IF=3.476 (Q2)
- Achieving Low Latency Communications in Smart Industrial Networks with Programmable Data PlanesSensors, 2021DOI: 10.3390/s21155199. IF=3.847 (Q2)
- Towards Monitoring Hybrid Next-Generation Software-Defined and Service Provider MPLS NetworksComputer Networks, 2021DOI: 10.1016/j.comnet.2021.107960. IF=5.493 (Q1)
- Towards Flexible Integration of 5G and IIoT Technologies in Industry 4.0: A Practical Use CaseApplied Sciences, 2020DOI: 10.3390/app10217670. IF=2.679 (Q2)
Conferences & Workshops
- Preliminary approaches towards the integration of TSN communications into the NFV architectural frameworkXVI Jornadas de Ingenieria Telematica (JITEL 2023), November 2023
- Automation of Modular and Programmable Control and Data Plane SDN Networks17th International Conference on Network and Service Management (CNSM), October 2021
- Towards integrating hardware Data Plane acceleration in Network Functions VirtualizationXV Jornadas de Ingenieria Telematica (JITEL 2021), October 2021
Brief Summary
This national project (PID2019-108713RB-C54) is entitled "Towards zeRo toUch nEtwork and services for beyond 5G" (TRUE-5G). It started in June 2020 and it will end in October 2023.
This is a collaborative project with the Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya (UPC), the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M), the Universidad de Granada (UGR) and the Universidad del Pais Vasco (Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea) (UPV/EHU) that continues the previous fruitful collaboration on the 5G-CITY project.
The main objective of this project is to create, develop and test a set of new procedures, algorithms, mathematical tools, and technologies that contribute to advancing the automation of 5G and 5G+ networks and network services. A subset of these developments have been applied to verticals such as industry 4.0, automotive, surveillance, leisure and health, among others.
The project holistically addresses automation over all network components, including, radio access network (RAN), optical and satellite, backbone network, network infrastructure, cloud and edge computing, and the network services. The developments have been carried out in accordance with recommendations, standards and open frameworks such as 3GPP, ETSI and IEEE.
Dissemination activities
Special Issue "5G and Low Power Wide Area Networks for the IoT"
SI "Automation and Learning in MEC and Cloud Systems"
We are looking for original contributions on topics related to advances in the development, testing, practical implementations, and modeling of smart ecosystems for 5G and beyond, formed by a set of new procedures, algorithms, technologies, and mathematical tools for advanced system configuration and automation that leads to the zero-touch paradigm. More information here. Deadline is 15 Nov. 2021.
Related ongoing Ph.D. thesis
Related B.Sc. and M.Sc. thesis
- This national project (PID2019-108713RB-C54) is entitled "Towards zeRo toUch nEtwork and services for beyond 5G" (TRUE-5G). It started in June 2020 and it will end in October 2023.
This is a collaborative project with the Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya (UPC), the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M), the Universidad de Granada (UGR) and the Universidad del Pais Vasco (Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea) (UPV/EHU) that continues the previous fruitful collaboration on the 5G-CITY project.
The main objective of this project is to create, develop and test a set of new procedures, algorithms, mathematical tools, and technologies that contribute to advancing the automation of 5G and 5G+ networks and network services. A subset of these developments have been applied to verticals such as industry 4.0, automotive, surveillance, leisure and health, among others.
The project holistically addresses automation over all network components, including, radio access network (RAN), optical and satellite, backbone network, network infrastructure, cloud and edge computing, and the network services. The developments have been carried out in accordance with recommendations, standards and open frameworks such as 3GPP, ETSI and IEEE.
Dissemination activities

Special Issue "5G and Low Power Wide Area Networks for the IoT"

SI "Automation and Learning in MEC and Cloud Systems"
We are looking for original contributions on topics related to advances in the development, testing, practical implementations, and modeling of smart ecosystems for 5G and beyond, formed by a set of new procedures, algorithms, technologies, and mathematical tools for advanced system configuration and automation that leads to the zero-touch paradigm. More information here. Deadline is 15 Nov. 2021.