
Leading the OFELIA Facility Beyond OpenFlow 1.0 Experimentations

Publication date: September 1, 2014

Type:Conference proceedings book
Publication details
Series: - Book title: Proceedings of the European Workshop on Software Defined Networks EWSDN 2014
Chapter: - Edition: -
Volume: - Journal: IEEE Computer Society
Number: - Pages: -
ISBN/ISSN: 978-1-4799-6919-7 Budapest

Nowadays, several devices supporting OpenFlow versions beyond 1.0 are available on the market. However, existent OpenFlow testbeds like OFELIA do not provide support for such devices, therefore it is hard for the research community to explore and test the newest functionalities of the protocol in realistic environments. This paper gives a short overview of two different architectures investigated within the FP7 ALIEN project that both aim to overcome this limitation within the OFELIA experimental facility.