
A Novel Architecture for Secure, Always-Best Connected Ship-Shore Communications

Publication date: October 1, 2009

Authors: Toledo, Nerea Higuero, Marivi Jacob, Eduardo Aguado, Marina
Type:Conference article
Publication details
Series: - Book title: International Conference on ITS-Telecommunications 2009 (ITS-T 2009)
Chapter: - Edition: -
Volume: - Journal: -
Number: - Pages: -
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Together with the IMO’s future navigation system implementation strategy, the e-navigation, wireless access technologies are proliferating on the maritime scenario, covering last mile communications. In the near future, we foresee that communication technologies will coexist and will be available in overlapping areas through the maritime last mile. Therefore, in order to enhace ship-shore communications, always best-connected procedures and an efficient mobility management protocol is required to satisfy maritime context peculiarities such as safety and security. In this article we analyze the most suitable mobility management protocol in terms of security and handover efficiency and propose a novel architecture that integrates the HIP protocol and always-best-connected procedures to best achieve maritime context specifications.

Related keywords: Seamless mobility Maritime Communications Vertical Handover