UNICO 6G 2023 funded, Enhanced Smart Networks for Everything (SN4E+)

2024ko ekainaren 3a
The Enhanced Smart Networks for Everything (SN4E+) project is considered a continuation of the recently awarded SN4E (Smart Networks for Everything) project, which proposes the deployment of a research and experimentation environment for knowledge transfer between academia, industry and society.

Proyecto AIBioSurv-Tech TED2021-129975B-C22 concedido

2022ko abenduaren 1a
El proyecto Biovigilancia a través de Inteligencia Artificial (IA) en la era post-COVID: implicaciones en la arquitectura y la ciberseguridad AIBioSurv-Tech (TED2021-129975B-C22) se encuentra en fase de desarrollo. Este proyecto ha sido financiado en el marco del Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia,Proyectos Estratégicos Orientados a la Transición Ecológica y a la Transición Digital 2021.

UNICO 6G onartuta, Smart Networks for Everything (SN4E)

2023ko apirilaren 19a
Smart Networks for Everything (SN4E) proiektua, ESFRI SLICES-RI azpiegituran integratua, gaur egungo SN4I azpiegituraren aurrerapen logikoa da. Proiektu honek ikerkuntza eta esperimentazio ingurune bat hedatzea proposatzen du, sektore akademikoaren, industrialaren eta gizartearen artean transferitzeko.

Intel’s Fast Forward Initiative 2022 approved!

2022ko abenduaren 13a
I am very happy to share that our group application to Intel’s Fast Forward Initiative 2022 has been approved! Today (10/02/2023) the Netberg Aurora 710 32x100Gbs Tofino Switching Silicon has just arrived.

06/09/2022 SLICES-RI Preparatory Phase (SLICES-PP) Project launched

2022ko irailaren 12a
SLICES-RI Preparatory Phase (SLICES-PP) Project has stated launched.

01/05/22 - SN4I Integration in Fed4Fire+

2022ko maiatzaren 1a
In June 2022, the outcome of Fed4Fire+ OpenCall was published and SN4I was accepted to integration in Fed4Fire+.

Smart Networks for Industry (SN4I) Infrastructure updated to fully support 5G and IIoT

2021ko irailaren 2a
SN4I facility has been updated to support the use of 5G technology in the wireless segment. As for now, this means that you can try state of the art solutions that include not only NB-IoT or LTE/M sensor based applications but also 5G Sensors and routers.

30/06/2021 - SLICES-RI (Scientific LargeScale Infrastructure for Computing/Communication Experimental Studies) of which SN4I is a part has been admitted to the ESFRI Roadmap 2021

2021ko ekainaren 30a
The experimentation infrastructure from which SN4I forms SLICES-RI (Scientific LargeScale Infrastructure for Computing/Communication Experimental Studies) has been admitted to the ESFRI Roadmap 2021

Smart Networks for Industry - SN4I has been presented at Basque Industry 4.0

2018ko azaroaren 27a
Smart Networks for Industry - SN4I has been presented at Basque Industry 4.0 in the Advanced Aeronautical Manufacturing Centre (AAMC) and the UPV/EHU stand

Esperimentazio plataformetarako 2. mailan oinarritutako Birtualizazio konponbidea

2013ko urtarrilaren 25a
Dagoeneko eskuragarri dago 2012ko RedIRISeko Jardunaldi Teknikoetan Jon Matiasek aurkeztutako Esperimentazio plataformetarako 2. mailan oinarritutako Birtualizazio konponbidearen bideoa (gazteleraz).